Friday, August 31, 2012


Welcome to my blog, everyone. On this blog, I plan on posting my outfits that I have created from my small graduate student budget. I hope to share some awesome budget style tips I've picked up along the way. My wardrobe is about 60% clearance items, 30% thrift and consignment, and 10% bargain store merchandise I've paid full price for. I love to style things you would expect to be hideous into cute outfits!

Today I started a new job. I also started playing around with how to take good full-body pictures of myself. I hope to get better at both of these :)For the first day of my new job, I decided to go business casual with a creative twist. I love the color green, so I made sure my skirt and shoes said as much about me as possible. Here's the first, somewhat sad, attempt at a self-picture.